photograph by Donna Ferrato / "Ironbound" December 2005
Why I can't stop: I totally forgot my hairbrush
This blog used to be called "Why I Can't Stop Smoking." Well, I did stop smoking. Now I need to stop drinking. The only thing is, every day there seems to be a reason why I can't just yet. It worked before, so—here goes! Today's reason
I want a copy of this! Can you print me out one? A gift to me on YOUR birthday. xoxo
From the New York Post:
You may have been born on the 13th but no way can your birthday be considered unlucky. On the contrary, you can expect a surfeit of good fortune this year - it seems that all you have to do is think of what you desire and somehow you will get it. Everyone gets a year like this now and again but not everyone takes advantage of it. Make sure you do.
Yo, babe. What gives? As I recall, your hairbrush is the one thing you always save when the hotel catches on fire.
Perhaps you are getting on. Happy Birthday, dear friend.
Mature Goddess is look good for advancing age. Perhaps now Goddess will at last act with denine, not perusing lavicious mens.
As famous American rock singer Rod say "You wear these clothes well. Little old fashion but is whatever."
Poor Uncle has too much sake this night, in celebrate birth of Bride.
I am think he mean say "dignity", not denine. Also "lascivious", not lavicious. But is very drunk.
Also, please to forgive uncle-san. This is Rod Stewart, English-speaking rock star.
Courtny know proper words: "And you wear it well. A little old fashion, but is o.k."
Suspect Uncle will be needing coat of hound very soon.
Happy belated birthday!
You are an ageless goddess!
As for 55..try driving that speed sometime,cause you sure do not look it.
where's the picture with the party hats and stuff, I mean it is a lovely portrait of you, much like i would imagine when you do your retrospective at the ICP, but i want to see a bunch of women & a small dog in party hats.
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