The title of this blog could just as well be Why I Can't Stop... drinking, gambling, shopping, fucking, eating, working, medicating, doing crank—whatever the obsession might be. Addiction is kind of generic. So last weekend, four of my friends—two with class A addictive personalities like mine, two without, decided that I needed to be saved from myself. They are actually afraid that I have pneumonia or cancer or emphysema or something on account of this truly awful cough that I've had for a couple of months. Also, they think I'm an alcoholic.
An intervention was scheduled.
Unfortunately for them, I knew about their plans in advance, and so I arrived prepared (above). I mean, I was prepared to concede smoking (I'm not an idiot and in fact, I had stopped in advance) but an addict has to have something. Their various suggested crutches—AA meetings, hypnosis, vegan diet, retreat in India—didn't do it for me. Any other notions?
Why I can't stop smoking: I have this jones.