This is a watermelon. It was cut, like most of our clothing, in China. A lot of our tacky hotel art is painted there too, along with those oil paintings of our children copied from photographs (if any of you have these, excuse me while I hurl). But make no mistake, there's a lot of good art coming out of China as well: When you have a country of 1.3 billion people, you got the tallest, the shortest, the smartest, the dumbest and the most talented humans on Earth.
They also smoke a lot (probably it's those dumb ones), which is about the only good news for the home team.
cups of coffee today: 2
bananas: 1/2
cigarettes: 1/2
Reason I can't quit: I can't even cut me a slice of watermelon.
You know what, my dear. Usually, you get to preach to me. Now, it's my turn. Better stop smoking, as amusing as this whole blog thing is, before the spit gets to be blood. Just remember how much you are loved. We (your public) love you more than you love your addiction. Watermelon, by the way, is very alkaline, and a great detoxifier. Have a slice. Have ten. Hang ten. Whatever. Don't smoke and go to meetings.
i wonder if anyone can love anything as much as a smoker loves her cigarettes. not quite sure how watermelon fits into the equation here, but smoking is romance. pure and hot. wish i had some witty '20 ways to leave your lover' advice here, but i haven't quite figured it out for myself yet. good luck to you. send me directions when you make it there?
As I smoker I do love my cigarettes...as much as that first cup of coffee. I could never choose between these loves...I would have to quit both.(too horrid to consider) Watermelon cannot be smoked and tastes awful as a coffee substitute.
I think China is the only place that has videos of the days when smoking was on TV as commercials.
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