This is my niece. She is four. She is wearing my daughter's dress.
Once my daughter was four, wearing this dress, and I was thirty-five. Now she is almost twenty-four, and I am going to be the same age as the speed limit on most state roads.
Why I can't stop:
Too many miles on the odometer.
I have a picture of said daughter and me and she is four years and wearing that dress. It was taken at Mary Simon's "holiday" party, at her loft. I am teaching Daughter how to make a cootie catcher. She is adorable. I wasn't so bad myself. Ah, youth. It's wasted on the young.
On second thought, maybe she wasn't four. Math doesn't add up. I was 28, so she must have been... oh I don't know. She was cuteand fun, that's all I remember.
La Otra Rubia this week celebrated her erhum-th birthday.
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