
day three

Why I can't stop: The Great Void


  1. Anonymous8:36 AM

    Void, schmoid! You just don't want to waste time posting in the a.m. because the days are short.
    Of course, it's hard to type when your fingers are frozen.

  2. Anonymous10:49 AM

    There are warm places to go that have wireless. Coffee
    is served too. Maybe you could bring some Zabers and charm them into making you a pot.

  3. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Oh, darling, it's Zabars. You've been in Detroit too long. You need to come back East!
    Besides, we miss you.

  4. Who have wireless on this island?

  5. Anonymous3:23 PM

    Who have Zabers?
    Orange Cat Cafe and the buiding across the street filled with books.
    Paris, I miss me too. Not sure if this is Detroit or a city anyway.
    Doesn't your family have a Hilton somewhere in Hawaii I could do some vague when the mood strikes me consulting for?

  6. Anonymous9:29 PM

    Dear Miss Oceungurl: You must be friend Claudia Bride-san. Li like meet you for coffee, no wolverines!
    Lady bride will need best maid.
    What are cats that drink this wulverine coffee? Are like flesh-eating birds, of which Li is afraid for Bride?
    Please advise.

  7. Anonymous7:33 PM

    Dear Oceangurl: Yes, we have several Hiltons there, and I'm opening another nightclub. I'm going to call it "Hamelot".
    It has an Arthurian theme, and a theatre. On Maui.
    So, I think we'll produce a play, starring me, of course, as Guinivere. Stavros will be Lance, and I'm not sure about, like, who should be Arthur. Maybe that asshole Salomon.
    So, like, how would you like to be in the play? Can you act?
    Claudia says you would be a good Mordant. That's Arthur's, or Salomon, whatever's, illegitimate son by his sister, Morgana Lescaut. She died of T.B.
    Anyway, you could be in the play.

  8. Anonymous7:41 PM

    Oh, by the way. Jerry thinks he's willing to write the screenplay. For Hamelot.
    He wants to branch out. Do legitimate theatre. Like, Shakespeare.
    I could do that.
    I just saw " Stage Beauty", and know I could be, like, Desdemona.
