
odd assortment

"So who else is coming to Thanksgiving dinner?"
"Um, let me see." Calculations on the fingers. Figures not a forte. "I'm getting eighteen—unless my friends from France come, in which case it's twenty-two."
Every year I say I'm going to have a smaller affair, one for which I don't have to borrow chairs from all the neighbors and one for which I will have enough silverware
OK, let's break it down a little further, assuming 18, for the moment.
Age range: 1 to 65
Teenagers: 1
Children: 4
Men: 5
Women: 8
Sets of twins: 1
Naturalized Americans: 2
Unmarried: 7
Blond: 7
People of color: 0 (unless you count Chinese or Latino)
Couples: 3
Nondrinkers of legal age: 4
Smokers: 3
Why I can't stop: I will have to keep counting


  1. Anonymous10:35 PM

    You forgot food prefereneces, babe:

    Turkey-and-Fish-Eating- Vegetarians
    Strict Vegetarians

  2. Anonymous10:38 PM

    I meant to say: Breath-Airians
    But you have your Breath- Nubians, Breath-Hasidics, Breath-Native-Americans, as well as your Germans. I guess.

  3. Anonymous10:45 PM

    All is this thing about??? This too much for Li.
    What about, in America this November is like Halloeween? This is very bad time, when birds, wulverines, drinking-cats and werwulves are having coffee?
    Li must ask how America thinks up such thing.

  4. What the heck is a breath-airian? Somebody who doesn't eat at all? Like, an anorectic?

  5. Anonymous9:20 AM

    Yes and No. They live HEALTHILY on air alone.
    I've heard tell of them.

  6. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Ah! Li know of this persons. Like popular American song say:
    "All I need is air that breath, and love you!!"

    Li is such person with Lady-Bride!

    Soon, Li not need beline sandwich or beef chow mein, like bad werewulves and coffee-drinking cats.

    Li is Love-Airian with Lady Bride.

  7. Anonymous7:40 PM

    now here is something i can really sink my teath into...the air i breath?
