


  1. Anonymous1:10 PM

    This person is on their way to the airport to pick up her roomies. The ones that live with her in the hot air balloon.
    She lives with two gay men, their adopted daughter and son, and their dog.
    Dog...dog. Does this sound familiar? The dog that the elevator man will now be walking.
    But not to worry. The elevator guy may be a can-do kind of a guy. Who has a roomate himself. His ex-cellmate from San Quentin.

  2. Anonymous9:52 PM

    My father's out of Harvard
    My brother's out of Yale
    But give me a man
    Who just got out of jail.

  3. Anonymous11:00 AM

    Now that cigarettes are not part of the errand run
    all I can imagine is C going to the market for milk
    and candy.

  4. ...milk, beer, nuts, newspaper, acorn squash, post office...
    that was today. tomorrow gas

  5. Anonymous7:44 PM

    nice view out of that windshield boy what a good shot of you on your way to happiness...if i just could have been there with you...great truck great errands
