This blog used to be called "Why I Can't Stop Smoking." Well, I did stop smoking. Now I need to stop drinking. The only thing is, every day there seems to be a reason why I can't just yet. It worked before, so—here goes! Today's reason
ship of fools

Why I can't stop drinking: my house of cards is built on ferry schedules.
memento mori

more guests

"Why are there two bottles of vodka?" The houseguest's daughter asked when she saw this picture. "Wait, she said, "Don't tll me. Mom bought the $5 bottle and Claudia had the Stoli in the freezer."
Why I can't stop drinking: I would be such a bad hostess.
a change of reasons
So this blog has been getting a little drab lately, and I have considered just dropping it altogether. Firstly, I haven't been feeling that cranky and secondly I did quit smoking like six months or so ago. The heart had gone out of it.
I have addictions and to spare, however, so I thought maybe I'd try revisiting a different one. Especially since my brother(and all these other workmen) are showing up, and I can't set a bad example for them. I am so not paying them to get crocked and fuzzy and cut off their fingers accidentally.
Anyway, my brother quit drinking like a decade ago.
Why I can't stop drinking: Soon I will have to knock off the brewskie.
I have addictions and to spare, however, so I thought maybe I'd try revisiting a different one. Especially since my brother(and all these other workmen) are showing up, and I can't set a bad example for them. I am so not paying them to get crocked and fuzzy and cut off their fingers accidentally.
Anyway, my brother quit drinking like a decade ago.
Why I can't stop drinking: Soon I will have to knock off the brewskie.
sweet into salt

This body of water, since I saw it last fall, has cut through the bluff and spilled into the sea.
Why I can't stop: My pond spillith over
the new me
This is the secret blog, right? The one where I can vent? Do not be forwarding this to your friends and relations, as I still have hopes of erecting a building next month. But the fact is, I don't play nicely with authority figures. I am down to my last one, one who will pretty much control my life for the next six months.
"Just reassure him that you know he's the boss," my sister said.
"I'm not real good at subservience," I said.
"None of us are," she said, "but you must."
And so I wait, to see if my most recent attempt at obsequiousness was enough.
Why I can't stop: You are so big and strong, so smart and knowledgeable, so. . .manly
"Just reassure him that you know he's the boss," my sister said.
"I'm not real good at subservience," I said.
"None of us are," she said, "but you must."
And so I wait, to see if my most recent attempt at obsequiousness was enough.
Why I can't stop: You are so big and strong, so smart and knowledgeable, so. . .manly
google this

Hello? Can you read the amount on this check? This is the amount I received from Google for the ads on both of my blogs for more a year. I'm trying to figure out how many microentavos that is a word or how many pixels per dollar, but I give up. Clearly I'm not in it for the money.
So the question on the floor is:
Has this blog run its course? Shall I bag the blog?