
google this

Hello? Can you read the amount on this check? This is the amount I received from Google for the ads on both of my blogs for more a year. I'm trying to figure out how many microentavos that is a word or how many pixels per dollar, but I give up. Clearly I'm not in it for the money.
So the question on the floor is:
Has this blog run its course? Shall I bag the blog?


  1. Anonymous2:37 PM

    Well, you were never in it for the money, babe.

    You could change the title to Why I Can't Stop Blogging, but I'm not fond of that.

    How about "Why I Can't Stop"?

  2. Anonymous9:32 PM

    great to see evryone is still alive and kickin and still not makin any money why i can't stop spending money i don't seem to be able to earn like the rest of the world

  3. Anonymous11:02 PM

    I like the effect of the green glass in the corner.
