
the new me

This is the secret blog, right? The one where I can vent? Do not be forwarding this to your friends and relations, as I still have hopes of erecting a building next month. But the fact is, I don't play nicely with authority figures. I am down to my last one, one who will pretty much control my life for the next six months.
"Just reassure him that you know he's the boss," my sister said.
"I'm not real good at subservience," I said.
"None of us are," she said, "but you must."
And so I wait, to see if my most recent attempt at obsequiousness was enough.
Why I can't stop: You are so big and strong, so smart and knowledgeable, so. . .manly


  1. Anonymous9:37 PM

    is this person a carpenter by any chance?

  2. carpenter cum cop
