photograph by Christopher Garrison
This blog used to be called "Why I Can't Stop Smoking." Well, I did stop smoking. Now I need to stop drinking. The only thing is, every day there seems to be a reason why I can't just yet. It worked before, so—here goes! Today's reason
Why do you have to use such bad language? Can't you just say .."I was SEEING Scott?" I mean, we all know what it really means. But it's a MUCH pleasanter term. Or how about just " Veni, Vidi, Vici." Or for those of you who speak Latin like me: "Vidi, vici, veni" is much sexier. Tatoo, anyone?
You know, as someone known to wear a vial of blood around her neck, you don't have much of a leg to stand on in the genteel stakes. Seeing=fucking.
Capishe, Ms. Latin Scholar?
Obviously you don't read the right tabs. I never wore a vial of blood around me neck. I just wrote Billy Bob's NAME in blood on my T-shirt when we got married. Besides, I've cleaned up my act. I'm a MOM now.
Brad's a stabilizing influence.
O.K. Do I have to say it? YOU'RE JEALOUS!!!
Also, you need to SEE someone. That always helps us girls.
Maybe if she would SEE someone she wouldn't want to SMOKE...
I hear you, Badgirl Friend. Too bad Biffs on the mount. And Ed's married. And Dennis likes some woman with an orange cat. Let's see. Who do we know? I could call Bleu. Actually, what's that wacko ex-classmate of your up to? Or should I say, for?
You'd have to give Pauli baby my middle name so he could look me up on the web before he's take the plunge.
But please don't.
Maybe he's a friend of Chucks. Those young mens seem to like you, babe.
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