
bad kitty

photograph courtesy of the Weir Farm Trust


Anonymous said...

Do not show this to the blogess of the "Kitty Blog" (as I have now deemed the Blog formerly known as the "I Can't Think of a Name Blog")

Although, I must admit...the bad kitty is pretty damn cute. Well...bad was always kinda my taste anyway...

Anonymous said...

Cute and probably dead. Hate to say it, but how else could you get the shot?

Anonymous said...

Hit it over the head. That's what most pet photographers do.

"Oh you have such cute dogs!" Photographer remarks, then looks up and asks, "May I have a glass of water?"

The host/pet owner leaves the room and...


The photographer uses his camera flash to knock a pose into the animal, gets the shot, and then heads for the door as the pet wakes up.

Unless the owner catches him....

Anonymous said...

The cat is just asleep, you silly things. Cats are very sound sleepers. Either that, or, in fact...wait! This cat must be a descendant of Kitty, who was Claudia, Doug and Hannah's first family cat. Kitty and her daughter, Learner, lived with Claudia. For years. Need I say more?
Intelligent Design, or evolution?

Claudia said...

Personally, I think this is the nature v. nurture controversy, not the evolution v. intelligent design NONcontroversy.

Anonymous said...

Oh really. Well, I say this is a proof-in-the-pudding perfect example of the Intelligent Design theory. I, being the intelligence, thought we needed a diversion from all the dog pictures, so I came up with a cat picture. You, being the Blog owner, set the pic to words, and designed it's placement in your blog. Ergo, Intelligent Design. See what I mean?

Anonymous said...

Ah! This is more like the good old Blog days. Just a few comments, from known entities.

Claudia said...

Well, I don't actually know who Truthteller is.

Anonymous said...

Probabably Parts Perdue, the champion fighting rooster from Orlando. Doesn't anyone read the tabloids but MY fans?

Claudia said...

Knowitall isn't who I thought it was either. And the story is actually about kittens not doggies. And it was actually a Washington Post photographer who did that. But hey, you must be a journalist whoever you are.

Claudia said...
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