
i'm a bad dog


Anonymous said...

Intelligent (or not, depending) design at work. This dog clearly simply materialized from the astral remake of The Maltese Falcon. Case closed.

Anonymous said...

Cher, why are there so damn many dogs on both of your blogs...do you, like, need a surogate child??

Anonymous said...

To the tune of:
That reallydepressingsong about the girl and the car.

"Oh where oh where can my baby be? The lord took her away from me. She's gone to heaven so i got to be good...so i can see my baby when i leave this world." I think it is called "Last Kiss."

In light of my current...hmmm...situation, I submit the following:

Last Pill

Oh where Oh where can my Klonopin be?
My shrink took them away from me.
I'm in withdrawal,
Shakin' real bad
The worst panic I ever had.

Verses, anyone?

Anonymous said...

I was wondering the same thing as actualchild.
Are you getting a dog or have you got one yet? Is this the empty nest syndrome
you are feeling and now you are considering another kind of baby? Will this dog be an ankle biter? Will it look like the owner? And will you be ok if the dog chooses to not to smoke?

Claudia said...

Gurlz, gurlz, let's get real. Everyone in my immediate circle has strict instructions to shoot me should I ever get a little dog (or a kitty). Yes, it's true that I will miss my Babychild when she grows up enough to live more than a couple blocks from me. But no dog can replace her. It's like, dogs and sex are the only thing that get a rise out of my bloggers (witness y'all) so I keep trying. And the dogs don't collect spam.