
addiction update

Postintervention report:

cups of coffee: 1
grapefruit juice: 0
crossword puzzles: 0
diet pepsis: 2
york-klondike ice creams: 1
bottles of fake beer: 1
bottles of real beer: 1
cigarettes: 0

And in other news,
calories: 6 million


Anonymous said...

You ate all the fudge. And what's this about A BEER??? I'm calling Dr. Williams.

Claudia said...

Why are valiums better than beer? And what's so fab about sobriety anyway?

Anonymous said...

Didn't you learn anything at your intervention???

Anonymous said...

Her basic response was "I have no desire to stop my self-destructive behavior." But she promised try. She's like, girls just want to have fun. Oy vay.

Anonymous said...

no crossword puzzle too? who is running this intervention? What are you learning from this intervention? I think you should invent instead of having an intervention.

Anonymous said...

if they made non alcholic fudge beer then more sweet eaters would drink beer