
the nice town department

PITTSBURGH (April 26) - Police found a dead dog dressed in blue jeans, a T-shirt, socks, tennis shoes and a baseball cap on the rear porch of a home on Monday in the Stanton Heights neighborhood. Police Lt. Kevin Kraus said the dog, apparently a boxer-pit bull mixed breed that neighbors said was named Pimpin', was dressed after it had been killed.
Police on Tuesday were trying to interview a woman who lived at the house where the dog was found. The dog's killer could face animal cruelty and drug charges.
Kraus found the dog, which he first thought was a person, while investigating an argument between two motorists nearby.
The Allegheny County Medical Examiner's office X-rayed the dog's body and determined that it had been bludgeoned and stabbed to death days earlier.

Why I can't stop: I have friends in that town.

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