
the plot fattens

"Meet me at the deserted house in the north of town." The instructions came by phone.
"What else," the motelier asked herself, "could go wrong today?" Already there had been the suspicious guests calling themselves a mother and daughter from Texas. They kept themselves to themselves, except for the brief attack on Lola. No harm done, as it proved, but terrifying while it lasted. Then there had been a series of financial setbacks requiring fast legal attention, the car/wallet/identity theft of the real estate broker, the threat of the kidnapping of the artificial Christmas tree from the white trash patio, the case of the broken stove spring, the missing cell phone and any number of other sinister occurances.
And now this. What could the man possibly want? And was it safe to find out?
Why I can't stop: The suspense is killing me.


  1. Anonymous11:11 PM

    All these things! But what feels most important is the threat to kidnap an artificial christmas tree from a white trash patio.
    Cell phone loss and identitiy threat will happen. Mothers and daughters cooking something close enough to smell sinister with a smooth voice telling you of a beautiful rental somewhere else then where you are now happens everyday. Did the threat of the tree kipnapping reason enough to csll Homeland Security? Do they call back if you leave a home number?
    White trash on a patio. The beer is always local,on sale today. Tell me the who what where how. Has therapy been needed for the tree or people involved? Is there a treatment being made for TV?
    A book soon to be out or a link to a web site? Curious in Copenhagan.

  2. Anonymous1:31 AM

    Oh, I am so jealous. Why do you get to be so thoroughly diverted, while I suffer through 120 years of historic fabric?

    Today we found a little envelope of rice, saved from my parents wedding.

    And a Robert W. Weir sketchbook, with drawings of angels that would melt the heart of a non-believer.

  3. I remain unmelted. But I'm happy to tell you that the tree is safe again.
