
straight marriage

She wants the white dress and the veil and the save-this-date cards. Bridesmaids, flutes and favors. How did I manage to raise a child so conservative? Is this the not-mom rebellion?
Why I can't stop: I want the fire dancers


  1. Anonymous4:49 PM

    I think the ads beside this post would be ideal wedding gifts for the conservative wedding. Animal slippers for the honeymoon and doggie indoor toilets for the puppy you will soon find yourself with after your nest is empty.

  2. Anonymous8:33 PM

    There has to be at least one fire dancer...

  3. Anonymous8:44 PM

    by the way, I've been clicking on the ads - even for potty training pull ups...just what I need...

  4. Anonymous9:18 PM

    I seem to remember a very conservative wedding, about 26 years ago, give or take a few years... in a Quaker church.


  5. Anonymous10:11 PM

    A conservative wedding?!? Our CGD? Do tell!

  6. Anonymous10:57 PM

    Yes. I think the church was in Westchester somewhere. Very staid.

    Everyone was dressed up.

    The bride wore a dress. I think it was off-white.

    There must have been a reception afterwards.

    There might have been an orchestra, or a band.

    But there were no near-naked, flame-swallowing, grass-skirt wearing heathens.

    It wouldn't have been fitting.

    It's one of those "Do as I wish I did, not as I done" kind of mother-daughter admonitions.

  7. Anonymous11:01 PM

    I have a totally fabulous idea. Wolfen could change the title of her blog to "My Turn to Get Married."

  8. Anonymous7:00 AM

    I'm putting a vote in for fire dancers too. Hey I want to be a fire dancer!

  9. Meeting house, not church. The party was at the apartment Wolfen grew up in. The Champagne was in the bathtub. My brother's band played. Only immediate family attended (50 people). I did not wear a long dress or a veil. I did wear spike heels. It was a city wedding. No room to firedance. I wish I had a scanner. I have a great pic.

  10. Anonymous12:47 PM

    I like my version better. I think.
