I cannot tell you what I have been doing.
I am not allowed to say.
The word "conscience" is inappropriate in connection with my task, and yet the doing of it makes one feel virtuous. And sleepy.
I can report that I had to get up very early, and that it was raining.
The place was not too far from Chinatown, and so I was able to have pho for lunch.
When I came home, it was still raining.
Why I can't stop: I have to go back tomorrow
Does John Grisham know you're doing this?
ReplyDeleteWhy do I have this nagging suspicion that you're doing something that I go to extremes to avoid, even though A says it's important. You're only making me feel worse about myself. I feel totally betrayed.
ReplyDeleteDear J: It's the old journalist-reporter streak she has. That makes her do things like this. It's not really that she's civic-minded, and we're not.
ReplyDeleteSo don't feel bad.
She'll get tired of it eventually, and go back to dog training.
Besides, we can do other things! We may not willingly serve on juries, but we can shop.
I bet C doesn't feel at all guilty that she's not shopping. So... catch my drift?
The Lord has a plan for each of us. Which way to Bergdorfs?
She is too conservative to shirk her civic duty...Adam would be proud!
ReplyDeleteWhell, is it at least a good case, with lots of sex and drugs? CSI material? I mean I hope there is some material in it for cba, as a reward for trying to cheer me up about this, which I really really appreciate.
ReplyDeleteJust please don't even tell us if its a product liability suit.
I love CSI Las Vegas!
ReplyDeleteHmmm...not sure if I would let a journalist on one of MY 12 packs.
ReplyDeleteLets see: ivy educated, paid to write, no husband, climbed Everest, interviewed Presidents, lives upper west side, summer property owner, and part time landlord, white anglo saxon, wears rolex, brought a book, carries herself with confidence, daughter ivy educated, step son criminal defense attorney...your honor, I would like to thank and excuse juror number blond.
Deaf in one ear.
ReplyDeleteAnd can't hear out the other. . .
ReplyDeleteWell, I have been excused. First the defense (heroin dealer) hated me and then, when the prosecution found out about the hung jury I was on before (and they didn't even know I was on the side of the crack dealer--or not the side, exactly, just that I didn't think the police had proved he WAS a crack dealer even though I thought he was, if you take my meaning) they couldn't get rid of me quick enough.
So I didn't even make it through the voie dire (spelling?).
They don't like me.
They really don't like me.
voire-dire: (French) To speak the truth.
ReplyDeleteSister, thank you for making the government prove their mother-fuckin' case, despite your personal feelings about what I may or may not do.
ReplyDeleteWe NEED more people like you on our juries.
Dear Wolfen: I ADORE CSI Vegas. My favourite show in history. Well, next to Maverick and Zorro.
ReplyDeleteDear J: Look at it this way, too. You gave the world A. Considering his calling, haven't you made your Civic Contribution??
Dear C: I bet they would've liked you better if you followed your Mother's advice.
Lawyers like a shapely form. And a little Cover Girl in the right spots. Maybe a brunette wig, too. That might help. I bet you weren't even wearing a dress.
When will you ever learn?
Whatcha do for lunch? I'm coming downtown tomorrow and ask them if I can finish out my term. How's that for civic-mindedness?
ReplyDeleteAnd I'm just dying to know what crises de richesses Beryl is braving.
I have been sprung!
ReplyDeleteToday I had Thai, tout seul.
Legal eagle, have you read Debby's brother's book on the fine art of jury selection?
Ah nuts.