
so goth

"And Behold," a short short by the Drummer, was shot on the occasion of his trip to collect a Victorian child's coffin he bought from an old Bible Belt farmer on e-bay.
Why I can't stop: My friends are so weird.


Anonymous said...

Et tu, Claudine.

Anonymous said...

Li is think this coffin will be good for pieces of these Mack and Dangerman once Li has cut to shards.

Angelina saying Li has much to learn in way of beast, but is many hopes.

So, Lady. Liking new Man,this fierce Li?

Anonymous said...

Honorable uncle mean to say, cut to "pieces".

If I may say, poor man is lost mind. Uncle is take this herbal remedies, "Rooster Pills." Please, Courtny is famailar with many American ways, but what is this thing that will turn Uncle into poultry, and why he is wish do this over women?

Anonymous said...

All we needed was a little health food Viagra in the mix to make this a real blog. Has your uncle considered tiger bones? I hear they're quite popular as well. Available illegally worldwide. Consult your local dealer or google "get it up."

Wolfen said...


I love this. Chris is now scared of you. But i really think this piece is v strong.

What now?
Is the coffin in your house?



Anonymous said...

I am glad my mother and my psychic encouraged Tod to go ahead with this purchase.

They both felt the coffin was not haunted.

I stick to silver and jewelry, myself. But whatever. I mean, some of us have a thing for beady eyed-cruets, pocket dogs and french doors.

Or, in the words of the immortal Ian Fleming: Live and Let Die.