
aweigh for the holidays

Why I can't stop: The boats are still running, if not the subways.


Anonymous said...

so pretty

Anonymous said...

Thank you.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Just such vessel carry great-great grandfather of Mr. Li to gold fields of new world.

Honorble ancestor be proud of Li, having emporium and soon vacance house in Catskills also.

America! Is land of opportine.

Anonymous said...

America is land of fine college, learn speak talk of free world.

Please, Uncle. Learn English.

Is language of Opportunity.

Wolfen said...

Or come to Mexico, Li. Here is land of don't drink the water.

Anonymous said...

Lady girl, is tempt Li this invite.

However, Li must, with much respect decline fine offer.

Li does not want to risk expose to great beauty of young Lady, already fiance of other man-bat.

Li cannot risk second heart break at hands of Dowling females.

But many blessings upon House of Wolfen. Please to keep Li in prayers.