
wedding bells

"Hallo," he said. "Just calling to see if you'd gotten blown away by the hurricane."
"I thought you were calling to tell me you were getting married," I said.
"Intuitive, aren't you?"
"I have that reputation. When?"
"December third."
"Well, I don't expect to be invited. It might be a little awkward."
"Maybe. It will be very small. Maybe a big party later."
"Congratulations," I said. "Everybody should try it once. And men are particularly domestic. You are particularly domestic. I think you'll be very happy."
"Reckon so?"
"I do."
Reason I can't stop today: Another one bites the dust.


  1. Anonymous5:12 PM

    Until he comes to visit you in New York again. My bets are on: Wedding ring or no wedding ring, you'll be "seeing" Biff again.

  2. He did mention a trip in January...

  3. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Marriage, schmarriage...they're always single
