
cruise control

Let me speak, just for a moment, about Tom Cruise and that poor little girl he married. They say they're expecting. Well, I guess there's no doubt she's expecting. However, I have it on pretty decent authority (a friend from People magazine who has a friend who's a big Hollywood fertility doctor)that Cruise is infertile.
So. Baby, huh? Katie? Nicole? What do you have to say about this? Weigh in, please.
Why I can't stop: Scientology.


  1. Anonymous6:00 PM

    Correction: your friend from TIEMPO told you that!
    (the only good gossip I got)

  2. I knew it was somebody with an in.
    Pardonne moi.
    Not People.

  3. Anonymous8:18 AM

    Oh God, who cares anyway? Tom is so, like, over. He can marry all the bimletts he wants.
    The American people want a real man now. One who can PLEASE women. You know who I mean. Brad is, like, famous for it.

  4. Anonymous8:19 AM

    Besides, I thought Tom was gay. Isn't that what everyone says?
