
battening down the hatches

Why I can't stop: The kids are taking care of things.


  1. Anonymous8:14 PM

    That is hilarious

  2. Anonymous8:38 PM

    The hammock represents Claudia's fear of commitment. She "views" her daughter Wolfen's impending marriage as a threat, and her future son-in-law as a wild beast, who must be kept behind "bars". Their successful union will give the lie to one of Claudia's core credoes, i.e. "Whatever You Do, Don't Get Married."
    This photo carries the strong subliminal message: All men are beasts, like the Beast in Disney's "Beauty and the Beast", and even though some of them enjoy reading ( like the Beast, and Wolfen's fiance, whose blog name I do not know )they are not to be trusted.

  3. If the girl is named Wolfen, I think she must be the Beast, and he the Beauty.
    He goes occasionally by the monniker Photochild. Also Dirty Old Man.

  4. Anonymous11:45 PM

    My favorite sleeping spot has been defiled. I'll have to burn sage next time I'm there.

  5. It is supposed to rain from the northeast until Sunday, so I think the hammock will be purified. And no one's gonna want to sleep in it anyway.

  6. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Cage. It's a symbolic cage. Get with the symbolism, girlfriend.
