
reality bites

"But reality can be boring," said the 60-year-old writer.
"I love reality," said her sculptor son. "Reality is great!"
"Are we really having a conversation about whether we like reality or not before eight o'clock in the morning?" asked their younger hostess.
"Yeah", I said. "You're meant to have these discussions after about ten. Ten at night."
"After a few beers, you mean," said the young hostess.
And along with a haze of cigarette smoke. It's been a week now since I've had a puff.
Why I can't stop smoking: You can wax philisophical.


  1. Anonymous1:20 PM

    This would be fiction in the personal narrative if I have ever heard it, read it, seen it, etc.
    Unless, of course, you are referring to yourself as "their younger hostess."

  2. Anonymous1:33 PM

    And how many york klondikes are left???

    Do I need to empty the shelves of the market in search again tonight? Or should I just oick up a six pack?

  3. Alas, only one klondike left. But i won't be home anyway. Gotta pick up the Rolex.

  4. Anonymous10:44 PM

    Oh, my, God. You are going to pick up the Rolex sans moi? How Now of you! Please give my regards to Mr. Kraff.
    To second Citichild's alarm..
    Who, pray tell, is the younger hostess?? Have we been tipping the elbow, cherie?
    By the way, remind me to tell you about my suprise guests. They're in the Albert Pinkham Ryder room.

  5. Anonymous7:13 PM

    I am lost....what happened to C since I went off the grid? Am I in an alternative universe where drinking and smoking have been replace by klondike bars and rolex watches? I don't believe in hell..but this sure sounds like it.

  6. Anonymous12:09 PM

    Dear Oceangurl: For an explanation, see Surf City Blogspot. For all smokers who wish, go to Claudiassurfcity.blogspot.
    com to see a side of Claudine they may not have seen!
