
oral fixation

It has been almost a month since my intervention, and I am here to tell you that the obsessions themselves may change, but obsessive behavior does not. I would require a personality transplant. I have not smoked a single cigarette of any kind including vegetable, clove and marijuana.
The cough is gone.
I have put on 10 pounds.
I have replaced cigarettes with beer, ice cream, Goldfish crackers, beer, carrots, celery, beer, Chinese food, pizza, beer, blueberries, almonds, beer. You get the drift. I'm also picking my lips, playing on the computer, taking pictures and chewing on toothpicks, all of which have the advantage of being calorie-free. I am not doing quite so many crossword puzzles, as my attention span is compromised.
Why I can't stop smoking: I'm not sure life is worth living any more.


  1. Anonymous9:40 PM

    Like I said. Texas, or India. I'll go with you. You can take control of your life by re-programming your brain. It's so simple, really. But no! You'd rather go to Missouri. I throw in the towel. Or should I say, the corset.

  2. Wait. I'm trying to LET GO of control. Why are you urging me to do the opposite of what I need to do?

  3. Anonymous8:28 AM

    Where did you get that great new picture?? Wait 'till Dennis sees THAT!
    This blog is back to being the B& C comedy hour. What happenned to everyone??

  4. Anonymous1:24 AM

    ofcourse it is

    you changed your picture-same light though - must have learned something by hanging with all those photogs

  5. Anonymous8:29 AM

    This blog should be changed
    to why I quit smoking. The
    intervention crowd you are
    running with has made you quit smoking...would like to see you drink less..and
    also suggest re-programming your brain. I think you are doing a wonderful job of letting go of control and letting others have it for you. It is encouraging to see you drinking..even if you do not smoke anymore.
    Missouri's abandoned gas stations are calling you..
    find the faded Malboro man beside the broken Mobil pegasus...sit and think about having a smoke..and I will have it for you instead

  6. Thank the goddess, the Voice of Reason has returned. The Only Person on My Side.

  7. Anonymous8:54 AM

    Go to smoking states and
    compare this to non-smoking states. Someone would pay for this article. You can walk into smoky bars inhale deeply..and tell your intervention friends it is background material for an article you are writing.
