
price point

The great smoke-out has gotten pretty serious. Rhode Island just went smoke free, as did all the pubs in Ireland. But where it really hurts is that the inhabitants of New York City who, until a month ago, were happily avoiding the seven-bucks-a-pack prices by ordering off the Internet are now finding that loophole plugged. Some have even been assessed for back taxes on their purchases (okay, a few of those were likely black-marketing). The Seneca tribe apparently continues to fight the good fight, but one friend of mine has gone so far as to order his four cartons shipped to Connecticut then (illegally) ferried into town by a friend.
Me, I glory in the high price. I walk to the newsstand, buy my papers and a pack and plonk down my ten bucks feeling like one of those fat-cat cartoon characters who lights up a stogie with a hundred-dollar bill.
Reason to smoke today: It makes me feel rich.


  1. Anonymous2:44 PM

    I quit smoking this morning when I walked into the office at nine. I haven't gotten to start again since. I think I will take a "lunch break." and go reinforce the old habit.
    Reason I can't stop smoking today:I need to take a work break.

  2. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Word: The Seneca Nation will still supply New yorkers through www.smokes-spirits.com
    Apparently, they also have a full line of souvenirs and candy.
