
those damn gates

Have you ever heard of Christo, the world renowned conceptual artist? I'll just bet you have. Are you planning to come and visit the gates? Maybe you'd like to stay with me or at least stop by for brunch before your viewing of this spectacular installation? It's cold out, though, so maybe you'd better come back by my place afterwards, too, for a hot bowl of soup or to go to the bathroom or something. After all, my place is so conveniently located.
Well the gates are coming down shortly, and not a moment too soon, in my view. It's been a constant stream. Today four seldom-seen relatives are coming in to take a look. I can't even remember their wives' names. And yes, my friend is still here. I can't write more, because I have to go out and buy bagels and cream cheese and Bloody Mary mix—and what about lunch? And no, I don't want to go and see those gates again—I'm sick of being a native guide.
I better go out and get those bagels. And a pack of cigarettes.
Today's reason not to stop smoking: art, for chrissake.

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