

Yes, this could be the start of many a rant, maybe every rant: Sometimes I hate myself. Specifically, today, I hate myself for thinking about Ex-Lovers Who Won't Go Away. Whose fault is it that they won't go away? Okay, you got that one right. Next question: Why won't I let them go away? Don't answer that one; that answer is why I sometimes hate myself.
As a rule, communiques from my ex-lovers arrive with a synchronicity that defies rational explanation. After months of not hearing from them, they tend to reach out and touch someone (me, but possibly not me alone—I just happen to be the only one that I know about) on the same day, usually in the same hour. What's up with that? Today it was France and Thailand. In a couple months, it could be Kathmandhu. Actually, it's quite likely to be Kathmandhu, being as that's where both affairs started. And last night I dreamed of being in a hotel with one of them in Kathmandhu. That's why I hate myself today.
I think I'll displace this hatred and hate myself for something else, like smoking. Time to light up.
Today's reason for hating myself: I smoke.


  1. Anonymous12:59 PM

    "It is better to hate yourself then someone else."
    Whomever said that is a damn fool.
    And Ex-Lovers all still love you...so all the more reason to love yourself.

  2. Anonymous10:21 PM

    I cannot get an ex-lover out of my mind. I'm thinking exorcist. And not just for me. An ex-lover cannot get me out of his mind. I'd happily pay for his exocism. But how to find one? No longer sanctioned by the Church.

  3. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Actually, the Vatican is training exorcists in Rome right now—they say they don't have enough. I saw it in the paper. I met one on an airplane years ago, too. I can dig up his name. I think he lives in Connecticut.
