This blog used to be called "Why I Can't Stop Smoking." Well, I did stop smoking. Now I need to stop drinking. The only thing is, every day there seems to be a reason why I can't just yet. It worked before, so—here goes! Today's reason
standing on line
I'm too old and too spoiled from being a journalist to stand in line with teenagers for a free concert.
doing lunch
Today's reason I can't stop drinking is lunch with Ed. Which typically starts at 1:00 or so and goes on for 12 hours. And it did.
the weather
I keep worrying about the tenants. If it's hot, they might be too hot; if cold, they might build illegal fires in the fireplace, etc. But if there's one thing over which one has no control, it's the weather. And people seem to make do. I asked the last tenants, who had a nice day followed by an awful day how they fared. "Oh," they said. "We all had such hangovers the weather didn't matter."