Two weeks today. My back hurts, my knees hurt, I am covered with white paint and I have only kind of finished two bedrooms. Well, OK, one bath also. And the floor of the other bath. One of the other baths. And there are a LOT of leaks. And no floor downstairs. And no heating system. And no C of O. And a lot of site work to do. And zero help. And rain predicted for the next week. And tenants arriving in two months.
Should I have a beer or just kill myself?
This blog used to be called "Why I Can't Stop Smoking." Well, I did stop smoking. Now I need to stop drinking. The only thing is, every day there seems to be a reason why I can't just yet. It worked before, so—here goes! Today's reason
the morning before
The only trace of jet lag I have is that I want to eat dinner at breakfast time. Today I had steak for breakfast.
Why I can't stop jonesing: It's Sunday, so no beer with breakfast.
Why I can't stop jonesing: It's Sunday, so no beer with breakfast.
farewell party
When you have the kind of party where everyone winds up sleeping over—someone on the couch, on the areobed, in the guest room and even in my bed—you know it's not really the time for moderation.
Why I can't stop: It's almost always that kind of party
Why I can't stop: It's almost always that kind of party
the schedule
Mammogram, gyn exam, dentist. I know, more than you need to know. But isn't it enough to drive one to some form of substance abuse? Especially with jet lag?