
moxie and the vacuum

Why I can't stop: My day is so not going as planned


  1. Anonymous12:06 PM

    I can't change my jury duty dates. I have to be at work that Friday. Can you change yours? I'm on
    1/23 to 1/25; supreme court.

  2. Anonymous12:08 PM

    Also, will I be seeing you Sunday the 22nd? Say yes. (And say yes to changing your jury duty dates. It will be soooo fun hanging in chinatown together. Maybe we can have lunch with Mr. Li.)

    (Do you like how I post our personal business?)

  3. Tried to call. I couldn't postpone to before. Maybe I should just show up with you and see what happens!

  4. What breed of dog is that, a yorkie shizu mix? The AKC announced the most popular breeds in the city as of today. To save you from oogling, number one is poodle,then lab, dachs, yorkie...

  5. This is a Havanese. New hot breed in town, the creation of rich people in Cuba. Hence the name—and the dog's real name, (shhh) Cuba.

  6. Anonymous11:49 PM

    My name is Moxie, you blonde twit!! Get it right. Where's my brie?? When's my next walk?

  7. Anonymous8:00 AM

    I have a solution bring moxie to jury duty as your seeing eye dog, your obvious lack of sight would be enough to disqualify you as a juror, and then its dim sum for you and Mr. Li. You may even have time to have a small asian woman walk on your back.

  8. Anonymous11:39 AM

    Roowf. I luv u. I only called you a twit because I was trying to manipulate you.

    I'll never do it again.

    Now can I have my brie?

  9. I'm changing your name to Fluffernutter.

  10. Anonymous3:59 PM

    I like that, too. Give me one, straight up, baby! grrrr...

  11. Anonymous4:01 PM

    Sounds like Moxie 1, Claudia 0. Pass the cigars.

    Cuban, s'il vous plait.

    Actually, just pass Moxie. He's cuter. And you don't have to light him up and dare I say it...the S word??

  12. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Claudia's hard stance against animals has melted away and now we are subjected to puppy pictures.
    Soon we all will be wacthing moxie on ITube, doing yet another too cute to believe thing. For a women
    who professes not to care for this animal. I say the lady doth protests too much

  13. y tu mama tambien

  14. Anonymous10:49 AM

    I want..I want..the Moxie Movie!!!

    Who needs King Kong??
