
rocket in my pocket

Note to readers: A reminder that this is not a PG site. The other site is PG. Please try to keep it straight. On that site. Not this one.

"What the hell has that dog got ahold of now?" I looked up from the keyboard (I don't touch type) and down at the rug at my feet, the rug that has become Moxie's preferred spot in the apartment to carry his snacks and secret scores to nibble on. I try to monitor this behavior, and so I looked down to find that this time it was—a sex toy ohmigod!
It was a pocket rocket vibrator with a rubber hat with dinglies on it and not mine. Nice toy for a toy.
I called my roommate Antonia to report.
"Was it on?" she asked.
"No," I said."I should have documented the moment, but I was more concerned with getting it away from him."
"The people at the studio are laughing their asses off," she said. "My life has become a sit com."
Why I can't stop smoking: Pet of the Month


  1. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Pictures, please.

    This time a picture really is worth a thousand words.

  2. Oops. Well, I didn't know you were going to get a roommate with a dog or I would have stashed it better.

    Thank heavens it wasn't the rabbit though...
