
i hate school

Have I mentioned this? I hate bureaucracy and bells for class and getting sent to the office and the goodie girls and the jock boys and homework and tests and grades and papers and all the rest of it. Why did I take a job that's just like being in school? In fact, my job right now requires that I be actually in school.
And yet—and yet—I learned a few things today. I guess that's why I keep doing this job. I keep finding out new stuff.
Why I can't stop: I'm never going to freaking graduate.


  1. Anonymous10:47 PM

    We just had an "I Hate School" themed thing. I'm like, so asleep.

  2. Anonymous9:05 AM

    And you can't even smoke is school!!! (let's get back to topic...shall we?)

  3. Anonymous4:21 PM

    This getting boring!!!

    To everyone who reads and doesn't write:

    Fuck ofF!! aRE you shy? bored? embarrassed??? tell us...we are your shrink, your fans, your public, your private. We will listen, we will watch, we will ignore, we will harass...
