
you're going too fast

OK, I cut the cop off on Route 1. So, OK, he wrote me out a ticket for $75. This is understandable. But just a couple days before, I got a ticket written at 6:44 ayem for a missing mirror. While I was parked. I found the mirror under the truck. Frankly, having watched the traffic police go down the street writing ticket after ticket for the past week, I'm pretty suspicious. Did the cops take the mirror out themselves?
Why I can't stop: It's the end o' the month quotas.


  1. Anonymous6:35 PM

    You just need a corset and some makeup. This dog looks like he's wearing a corset. Maybe if he had a little make-up, he could get more in touch with his suppressed, anthropomorphic, trophy-car driving, intelligently designed dog-id.
    Then again, maybe he just wants a virtual headstone. Or better yet, a drink. The drink YOU couldn't have chez Gasnere.
    Of course, maybe he's jealous of me. And he wants a National Park. Tell him to call Citichild. We'll design one for him. How does "Mashed Dog" sound? I like it. Very Native American. A good name for the Missoula NPS Citichild and I are planning. Don't tell Rex.

  2. Anonymous7:33 PM

    "Welcome to Mashed Dog National Park. My name is Wolfen, and I'll be your tour-guide today." I can see it now.

    I had a lover once who changed his name from Randall Story Wagner to Bleu Wolf. Not Blue Wolf. B-L-E-U Wolf. OOO -wooo!!! Werewolvesof Missoula.

  3. I didn't really realize that we've had kind of a dog theme going on both blogs. Guess it's something about those dog days of summer, or that I'm doggin' it or doggone—I don't know.

  4. Anonymous10:02 AM

    Woof! By the way, I made a clerical error in the lover department. Randall changed his name to Bleu Coyote, not Bleu Wolf. He was, now that I think about, more of a coyote than a wolf.
