
all or nothing?

photograph by Donna Ferrato

The one hand says "todo," all; the other says "nada," nothing.
Eenie meenie minie moe.
Why I can't stop: I don't want to choose.


  1. Anonymous8:21 AM

    This is called "White Knuckling". You need a meeting, girlfriend. Share the experience.

  2. If whoever this is with the AA advice doesn't cut it out, they are going to lose their blogging privileges. Don't you get it: This is a Pro-Addiction Site! Are you as clueless as the google computer program that puts up the stop-smoking ads?

  3. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Don't drink and go to meetings. Why not be addicted to getting right with God? EEWW!

  4. Anonymous9:40 AM

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  5. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Drink and go to meetings
    then maybe you will get it right with god when your knuckles are white with trying to contain them from hitting someone that gives advice that is not asked for
    Advice is like (fill in the blank)everyone has them.
