
spring fever

I just can't seem to get too riled up right now.
Maybe it was the flu, or Lyme's, or having too much fun on my spring road trip, watching those redbuds and dogwoods go in and out of bloom several times, but when I got back to the big city I went into the valley of the shadow. Shivering and sweating, evil dreaming that I got bit by a rattlesnake or that my baby was dying of disease, unable to sit up or light up for days.
And then it went away, and like magic, it was spring, too. The magnolias are blooming, the shad roe is in, and sidewalk cafes are sprouting everywhere with their laisse faire smoking policies. I met a friend at a cafe, and we sat down and ordered beer.
"I might just have to go across the street and buy a cigar," he said.
"Oh no you don't," I said, drawing a Havana cigar from my pocket. "I brought you one."
The guy at the next table leaned over. "You married the right woman," he said to my friend.
"Oh no he didn't," I said.
Reason for smoking today: Life is sweet.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:57 AM

    Cold weather on de way this weekend, honey. But don't worry, you can just take a Valiums. Oh, Lord, de boat gonna sink one more time! Glad you over being wore out behind your visitin' lady duties. Besides, smokin' never killed nobody. Love, Bebe
