
cookie monster

I had this vision whilst abed in Madison, Georgia. It had been a long day, down from Washington D.C., center of all I revile these days, along the Strom Thurmond Highway through South Carolina in the buckets of rain with frayed windshield wiper blades that made it impossible to see the trucks I was passing. But as I lay on a feather bed in the Confederate graveyard, I knew that I had a mission: To launch another blog for one of my oldest friends, a woman with a sense of humor so insane that to promote her would be my gift to the world.
Well, we did it. Elviscopalian, with the thesis "What Would Elvis Do?" has debuted. But then I screwed it up. I tried to log in on her computer and all the cookies got eaten or crumbled and now she can't post.
There was nothing for it. Fortunately, I had managed to purchase five cartons of Kool Extra Lites and five cartons of Camel Lites (box) at $20.99 per in North Carolina (at a store in which the cashiers were actually smoking—when was the last time you saw that?).
Reason to smoke today: I am such a fucking idiot.


  1. Anonymous9:48 PM

    Actually, no...Cher. Bob found that the computer was set to block both Yahoo and Blogger. Why, and when they got blocked we don't know. He thinks maybe both sites were vehicles for some bad missives that our spyware caught. In any event, all systems go, now. Which is good. And you're gone, which is bad. So Come Back, Little Sheeba. Oatmeal, or chocolate chip? Love, Love: Bebe & Co.

  2. Anonymous12:45 AM

    I am impressed with smoking retail help....if you find your way back
    to this blessed and free country..
    this island girl would love some smokes....clams will be waiting at your doorstep when you arrive on island...
