
my precious life

I've got an idea, let's keep everybody alive as long as we possibly can. Take me, for instance. When the ticker starts to give out, or the lungs, put me on life support right away, before anything starts to shut down. Don't worry about my quality of life, just extend it by any means possible. After all, my life is precious. And despite the fact that it's my own fault that my organs are facocked, some medical breakthrough may make it possible to regrow them and bring me back. I think that prospect is worth it. Don't you? I mean, your life is precious, too. Every life is precious. We need to stop building nursing homes where you can play cards and go to arts and crafts and sign do-not-resussitate orders and just concentrate on building warehouses where we can keep as many humans alive as possible so that their lives never end. And while we're at it with the end-of-life end, let's also make sure that we cover the beginning-of-life end. We can harvest women's eggs before they're aborted (alas, it may be too late for many of mine) and grow them in artificial wombs so that no precious life is wasted! Wouldn't that be cool? The whole world could be covered with these facilities and the few functioning people left would all have jobs! And what rewarding ones! Like vegetable gardening.
So what the heck, I'll have a puff and go run around in traffic.
Reason for smoking today: Because I'm worth it.


  1. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Your post deserves a Swift response.

  2. Anonymous4:14 PM

    vegetable gardening! this is your all time best post . . . so far
