
i can't stop smoking today because

This morning I got a horrible e-mail from my mother. She tends to send me horrible e-mails when she can't sleep at night, and this one arrived at 3:36 a.m. So you see. Following is the text of the e-mail.
Well, I can't seem to copy the e-mail in here. That's another reason I can't stop smoking.
Anyway, the e-mail is all this blah blah about her travel arrangements and how her children don't care about her (a perennial) winding up with "I feel like an orphan again, so think before you answer."
I think I'll have a cigarette.
Today's reason I can't stop smoking: my mother's e-mail


  1. Anonymous1:42 PM

    You fool! hasn't anyone told you that smoking is bad for your heath? These are just excuses. Get a grip!

  2. Anonymous4:39 PM

    This morning i couldn't stop smoking because i woke up with my ex to
    the sixth power [ex(joe)-ex(jorge)-ex
    (Robbie)-ex(cameron)-ex(anthony)-ex(Matt)] boyfriend Chris. For timeline's sake...that was just over two
    years ago. Today's reasons i can't stop smoking: ex boyfriends

  3. Anonymous6:01 PM

    You're funny-- I didn't think that e-mail was so bad. At least, not compared to many I've received. Maybe your luck is better than mine... or you're still the "good" daughter?!
    Pip pip.

  4. Anonymous3:51 AM

    Sometimes when I daydream of heaven
    I see myself smoking with no side effects. My recent attempt to stop using wellbutrin has slowed my urge to smoke but I am uncommitted to setting a target date. I think because I need to practice more for the afterlife.

  5. Anonymous11:13 AM

    well, maybe the wellbutrin has had some othger beneficial side effects--like being able to stay on that windswept island for another whole winter. I'd rather shoot myself. Sorry, Hunter.

  6. Anonymous3:50 PM

    I don't smoke, but after reading all of this stuff I may have to start; either that or rent a gorilla
